Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Despite the fact that I know I should be attending class everyday...I find myself unable to gather the motivation. I came home sick last Thursday but on Friday...I just didn't feel like going. So I faked sick and stayed home.

Today, I find myself unbearably tired. Like, I got loads of sleep last night but if I'm not doing something for a few seconds, I find myself dozing. So...I decided to stay home and sleep. At least this time I'm going to be finishing up math and psychology homework but still.

Part of me just wants to do my courses online. I don't like the people at my school. A few are nice but most of them are just rude and bitchy. I don't feel like I fit in and I hate it. I really want to talk to my mom about signing up online, but at a place that has teachers I can e-mail at all times for help. I think it would be much better than this.


  1. =[ Bear with it for now, darling girl. I'm always here, too. Remember that, okay? People suck, we know this, right? x3 You can't fall back on skipping a lot, even as tempted as that is. (I found myself not wanting to go today.) ilu

  2. You really really really should try your hardest to get up and go to school, Sarah. I fucked around way too much in high school and now I have to upgrade just to get into university, do you have any idea how much that sucks? And doing school online won't solve anything unless you really have the motivation to do the work.
